Monday, May 24, 2010

13. About identity

retrieved from

Recently there has been something argued between my twin (for those who don't know I have a twin, I let you know now) and one of our friends.

The reason was a simple. My twin wants to wear earring, so for that he must have his ear pierced. He declared his intention and our friend reacted in a weird way. According to him, such actions are imitations of other people.

My sister and I agreed with each other at one point:
Apart from being an imitation of others, how can someone find their identity? How can they find who they are?

Everybody tries something in life. Some trials are good, some are bad:D Some choices are really huge mistakes (I remember some :D:D) and some lead to really different, great occasions.

So, why should someone try to limit themselves? Why this limit in everywhere in lives?

If I want something, then that just means that I want it. It is so simple, please, people should often think simply. No deeper meanings are found sometimes. The reason or the answer can be just on the surface, not at the bottom..

And this imitation issue? I do not get angry with my friend here. He just reacts in an expected way. I am sure that most of us would react in the similar way. However, I am furious about the fact such a concept "imitation" exists in this shape.
Imiation would be really seen, if someone imitated something or somebody without their own mind, without their own thinking. Nevertheless, apart from that, trying something is not an imitation.

And why this limit, this striving for categorizing, why elephant in the room?

As if nobody wants something, as if everyone are right to judge something in a classical and typical way.

You know, I have once found a very great sentence in a dictionary (Elif knows it surely:D). Here it is:

Everyone sins at some time, in thought if not in deed.


  1. I find your friend's reaction quite odd, to be honest. You're right, whatever we do, we could be accused of 'imitating' someone else. That's because a) We are social creatures and b) There is a finite number of styles in the world. If your brother likes the idea of an earring and feels it suits his style, what's the problem?

    (by the way, I'm very curious: who does your friend say earring-wearers are imitating anyway?)

  2. No, if you wear earrings, that is probably because you are imitating others..

    this is actually a paradox. This approach mean: The person I am imitating is imitating another one, and this one another so so so.. werid..

  3. I found your friend's statement quite funny Can :) Because if we look from his perspective, then the world is full of imitations.
    For example, think of fashion.. Many boys like to wear baggy pants and most girls-including me haha!- like to wear leggings for whatever reason, but that could mean that we are all copying each other, so we have no individuality.. If we keep on thinking like that, it seems that there is no originality left on the planet!! I'd have to disagree with him :/

  4. I don't agree with him either Hazal :D. However, it is also true that most of us judge people in this way as well.

    Nobody commented on my quote, Elif and I liked it so much:D

  5. I wish that we could just mind our own business..but that will never happen, right? ;)

    For the quote, yes, for finding such a brilliant quote, I applaud you *claps* but it seems like Elif is the one who should comment on that part. After all, you mention her name.(Elif please respond to Can!)

  6. Dear Hazal,

    Why am I the only one who should comment on that part?
    I made some comments to Can and of course I could comment in public too :)
