Wednesday, March 31, 2010

6. Hanife

noreasterly wind blows, retrieved from*

*these are poplar trees.

This honour killing issue is widespread in Turkey. Especially in the east. But is is part of tradition, you know.. We cannot change it.

Punish someone.. OK! But kill someone because of their one fault?! That is a problem.
On the one hand we say that our parents love us so much, they would sacrifice very much for us, on the other hand some parents commit such honour-killings.

And the men of the house are responsible for the killing/execution. I do not blame them for that. As I said, it is their tradition. They exist with their traditions, like everyone else.

I find something very unfair: the situation of the mother. I am absolutely sure that Hanife's mother got upset(I don't know what kind of word I should write here), got really destroyed due to her daughter's death. You know, even she wants to shout, cry, scream at the people who commit this action, they don't listen to her. This is a really awful situation for the mother unfortunately.

To be a good person is really important. Not the material/shallow side like whether someone has black skin or their fingers are extraordinary tall (such silly things, I mean).

And I agree with the group at one point from today's presentation:
If Hanife would have been alive and had a child, she would be more liberal about her child's decisions and life style..


  1. Can, why do you say traditions cannot be changed?

    Lynchings in America were a "tradition". So were Jim Crow laws which separated whites and blacks. So was apartheid in South Africa. So is female circumcision, which has now been outlawed in some African countries. I can give plenty of more examples.

    It may be difficult to change a tradition, but it's not impossible. Human behaviour and perceptions evolve.

  2. I agree Sonja.. Why to change the traditions is difficult? We can pull down the borders if we try to do it! It can take along time but this is not impossible.

    Also, if we accept their conditions, Hanife never be liberal about her children's decisions like her mother..

  3. @gamze: Hanife would like her daughter to be more liberal, however under the village's circumstnces, they also couldn't do much about that.

    @Sonja: Your example is really great. Although I think that traditions are hard to change, I am convinced by your example that their change isn't so impossible :) a great one thnx.. :)
