Friday, January 8, 2010

Boys Don't Cry and About our Presentation

What effected me mostly in this film was that it is based on a real story. That completely changed my attitude toward this film.

In the movie, I liked the setting as well. The film plays in rural area and the producers managed to reflect such area very well; the cowboy hats, the scene where our characers participate in a speed race etc, I liked them.

The worst scene was the last scene but not because it was a crime scene but the crime was not like real. John triggers and Brandon dies but we cannot see any bullet and Brandon bleeds as soon as being shot, although no part of him is wan ounded by the bullet. That was a mistake of the director, I think.

And for my presentation, I researched much (about hate crimes etc) and saw how common such crimes occur. That made me sad.

About our presentation: At first, it began well, Erman started strongly and loudly. We also had the song “Boys don't cry” in the background. Then... We realised that we had been projecting the draft of our slide show! We apologized for our tecnhiqual issues. But that moment, in my opinion, was both shocking and hilarios :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Full Monty

I watched this film when I was a kid.

Recently I have watched it again and liked it one more time.

I felt sorry for the guys who do the full monty. They want to have a better life and offer something better in life to their family/children etc. However, they suffer being unemployed, having not enough money to get or do what they want. This situation leads them to doing a striptease.

I do not blame them for doing that. When a person feels miserable, they could do anything to avoid it. The men in our film have chosen to be strippers, through which they could earn some money for theirl ives. We can discuss whether what they do is indecent or not. I think that it is not indecent. They do their job without hurting something or someone and they have an aim and for this aim they act. If women are removing all their clothing in front of other people and if we do not get angry about it, we also are not allowed to get furious at these 5 men for doing that either.

And what makes their situations acceptable is their love to the people around themselves. They do striptease for them. I think this quotation fits here quite well:

Who can give law to lovers? Love is a greater law to itself. Boethius

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Truman Show

I have hardly watched films which reflect our mental state well. The Truman Show is one of these films. TV has been stuck into our lives so deeply. We forget sometimes boundaries of our social conscience or of being decent.

Truman Show - What an awful program but at the same time high-ratings-collecting!

When a program that shows us parts from real life airs, we like it. Even people do it who insist in watcing over whether something is good or not.

Audience and especially the producers of the show kill Truman's life. That is unacceptable. Everybody around himself pretends to be something in his life. No real feelings, no sympathetic gestures&mimics - What a life!

Laurenne tries to show the truth to him but she can't make it. What she did shows us how love can effect somebody to do something.

I'm furious at the produceders. They even don't have right to air such a program.

ps. The scene where Truman realizes in his car that things happen in a row repeadately (e.g. the courrier boy etc) is really great, in my opinion.