Tuesday, October 20, 2009

About Photojournalism

As we took a look at some photos from wars or disasters in our last lesson and discussed what a journalist should do while taking photos from them, I recalled this added picture on the right side. As we know, after the attack to the synanogues, there were many dead and injured people at the scene. It was a sudden attack and therefore, help did not come immediately. A photographer named Alp Sime was living close to the bombed Synagogue (probably very close, maybe in the same street as the synagogue) and he was be able to go to the rubble, took pictures of the disaster. Pretty soon, the police came to the destroyed street and kept people away from the catastrophe. Therefore, Alp Sime was the only person who managed to take photos in the destroyed area. The photos are very brutal. They remind us how disgusting and "against-humanity" wars and frictions are. Here, a question occures to me: Did he help the people he took photos from? If not, should he have done it instead of clicking his camera? I think that he or a photographer should take photos from a disaster, otherwise we would not get aware of the awfulness of wars/such things or of the reality of them. However, look at the picture and at the others. We can find thousands of similar photos anyway. If I were Alp Sime, how would my conscious whisper to me while standing in front of these corpses? Would I dare to take the corpse's photo and go on recording the next corpse?


  1. Wow...I could never have imagined that photo. How horrifying. You raise some very important questions here, which I hope other students will explore.

  2. by the way Can, your blog is looking really great. I love the header image.
